GAIL Earth Branch solicitation for content and Your Legal Representations, Warranties, Rights and Credits:
GAIL Earth and the authors of Handbook for Space Pioneers, L. Stephen Wolfe and Roy L. Wysack, intend to expand upon the content and ideas in the original edition of Handbook for Space Pioneers, published and copyrighted in 1978 by Grosset and Dunlap, New York and in 1979 by Westbridge Books, Newton Abbot U.K. It is our intention to solicit contributions of images and narrative to include in the website, (hereinafter referred to as the WORK), by people who would like to participate in a collective art project about the future of space colonization.
All volunteer contributions will remain copyrighted works of their original owners. We will acknowledge your copyright, and give credit to you in All we ask is for unrestricted, permanent, royalty-free use on If we create new or derivative works and wish to use your material, we will seek your permission for such use. We agree that contributors can publish their work on other websites or sell high-resolution copies or physical prints and models over the web or by any other means. If you participate by submitting your images or narrative to us for inclusion in the WORK, you agree to assert and warrant the following:
A – Images and all parts thereof that you submit to us for inclusion in the WORK are owned and/or controlled by you, unencumbered and original works, and are capable of copyright protection in all countries where copyright or similar protection is available. If you have registered your material in the WORK with a copyright office, you must include with your submission a copy of such registration and give us written permission to use the images in the WORK. If your images and/or narrative are chosen for inclusion in the WORK, we will acknowledge your copyright and give credit to you in the WORK and subsequent works (if any). Contributors can publish their work on other websites or sell high-resolution copies or physical prints and models over the web or by any other means.
B – If any images you submit contain any human likeness from which an individual may be identified, you own or have acquired all rights to use such human likeness and will submit such releases to us with submission of your work.
C – That your images will contain no third-party trademarks including design marks.
D – There is no suit action or claim or other legal or administrative proceeding now pending or threatened which might directly or indirectly affect the images or narrative you submit or which might in any way impair the rights granted by you hereunder. By submission of any images or narrative, you agree that L. Stephen Wolfe and Roy L. Wysack shall be held harmless and have no liability to you or any third party for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages.
E – If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, it will not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the terms of this Agreement, and without further action by the parties, such provision will be reformed to the minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable.