
Athena – Wisdom of Earth Born Anew
IMPORTANT STATISTICS – ATHENA, population zero.  Capital Carpithean (lat 40°N/long 80°E), first colony of 5000 to arrive 2380.

Planet name: Athena

Star name: Sabex 50 (HR 7345)
Equatorial diameter: 12,235 kilometers
Star type: G8V
Mass (Earth = 1): 0.87
Distance from Earth: 77.6 light years
Surface gravity: 0.94 g
Distance from planet: 1.45 AU (Earth-Sol = 1 AU)
Escape velocity: 10.7 km/s
Star Mass: 1.01 (Sol = 1 )
Albedo: 0.36
Travel time from Earth
Ship’s time: 79 days
Planet time = 123 days
Atmospheric pressure at mean sea level: 1.05 bars
Fraction of surface covered by land: 24%
Maximum elevation above sea level: 7689 meters
Atmospheric Composition
Oxygen: 21.3%
Nitrogen: 77.6%
Carbon dioxide and inert gasses: 1.1%

Length of day: 25 hours 14 minutes
Length of year: 635 Earth standard days
Obliquity: 21 degrees
Von Roenstadt habitability factor (Earth = 1): 1.09
Current population: zero
Number of population centers: zero
Year to be settled: 2380 cetc

Number of moons: 2
Distance (km) – Moon 1 – 287,800 / Moon 2 – 226,000
Period (Earth Days) – Moon 1 – 18.7 / Moon 2 – 1.4
Mass (Earth’s moon = 1) – Moon 1 – 0.72 / Moon 2 –  .0012

Exoplanet Athena View From Space

Figure 3.23.002 – Athena View From Space