Yom-Wintery World of Three-Sided Life
IMPORTANT STATISTICS – YOM, population 830,000. Capital Praetolia, population 375,822 founded in 2331 (lat 39°N/long 90° W).
Planet name: Yom
Year settled: 2331 cetc
Equatorial diameter: 11,220 kilometers
Number of moons: one
Mass (Earth = 1): 0.64
Star name: Pi 1 Ursae Majoris (HR 3391)
Surface gravity: 0.82 g
Star type: G1.5V
Escape velocity: 9.55 km/s
Distance from Earth: 46.8 light years
Albedo: 0.40
Distance from primary: 0.97 AU (Earth-Sol = 1 AU)
Atmospheric pressure at mean sea level: 0.71 bars
Star Mass: 1.01 (Sol = 1 )
Maximum elevation above sea level: 6147 meters
Fraction of surface covered by land: 35%
Travel time from Earth
Ship’s time: 66 days
Planet time: 97 days
Length of day: 26 hours 52 minutes
Length of year: 347 Earth standard days
Atmospheric Composition
Oxygen: 29 .5%
Nitrogen: 69 .5%
Carbon dioxide and inert gasses: 1 %
Obliquity: 36 degrees
Von Roenstadt habitability factor (Earth = 1): 0.91
Current population: 0.83 million
Number of population centers: 3
Moon’s distance: 180,400 km
Period: 11 Earth days
Mass (Earth’s moon = 1): 0.58