Life Forms – Romulus


Both Romulus and Remus offer physically and biologically suitable homes for Human beings, but GAIL has approved only Romulus for Human settlement because Remus is inhabited by a primitive, yet highly intelligent and advancable species. As such, Remus is excluded from colonization by any Association member, so that its race may develop naturally without external interference. More details will be given about this fascinating life form in the description of the Remusan study project given by Cheryl Cooper in the following section.

Although it is nearly identical to Remus in age and in the state of evolution of its life forms, Romulus has brought forth no intelligent life. Life apparently evolved distinctly on both planets, since all life on each planet shares certain biochemical properties unique to the planet. Species and classes of animals on Romulus and Remus are, of course wholly different. The differences between life forms of the two planets give evolutionary scientists important evidence to substantiate theories of the development of life.


Plant life on Romulus is highly developed in comparison with that of the older colonial worlds. The most numerous species resemble primitive forerunners of Earth’s angiosperms, the flowering plants. Some of these plants produce grains and fruits that are suitable food for native animals, but most of these have proven unsuitable for Human palates. Plants on Romulus grow in a variety of sizes from large trees to microscopic aquatic species.


Romulus hosts a variety of complex animal forms ranging from small creatures with external skeletons, resembling the insects and crustaceans of Earth, to larger warm-blooded animals which fill most of the ecological niches of Earth’s mammals, save that of the man. Taxonomists classify the warm-blooded species as “ovarals.” They appear in flying varieties resembling birds, four-legged land species and marine varieties similar to Earth’s porpoises and whales. The offspring of ovarals are born alive, but unlike Earth’s mammals, overals do not nurse their young through mammary glands. Instead they lay protein-rich pellets, which the newborn offspring eat. Just as cows’ milk has become a food for Humans, Romulans consider the food pellets of ovarals to be a delicacy. Pioneers raise large ovarals, called “cows,” primarily for the “ovals” they produce.

The ovarals of the sea are among the most intelligent life on the planet. The most intelligent land life appears to be an order of large, cat-like predators, some of which are potentially dangerous to Humans. Fortunately, Human technology has provided colonists with defenses against these animals in the form of force fields, laser guns, chemical repellants, and sonic “stun guns.” Because of these defenses, people can allow the predators to remain in their natural habitats without fearing their dangerous behavior.