Mammon-Galactic Treasurehouse
IMPORTANT STATISTICS – Mammon, population 1,500,000. Capital Hilltown, population 252,918, founded 2318 (lat 10°N/long 35°E).
Planet name: Mammon
Star name: Zeta Triangulum Australis A
Equatorial diameter: 9880 kilometers Star type: GOV
Mass (Earth = 1) : 0.41 Distance from Earth: 39.3 light years
Surface gravity: 0.69 g Distance from primary: 1.2 AU (Earth-Sol = 1 AU)
Escape velocity: 8.16 km/s Star Mass: 1.09 (Sol = 1)
Albedo: 0.32
Travel time from Earth
Ship’s time: 63 days
Planet time: 92 days
Atmospheric pressure at mean sea level: 0.34 bars
Fraction of surface covered by land: 48%
Maximum elevation above sea level: 7642 meters
Atmospheric Composition
Oxygen: 51%
Length of day: 22 hours 8 minutes
Nitrogen: 46%
Length of Year: 460 Earth standard days
Carbon dioxide and inert gasses: 3%
Obliquity: 5 degrees
Von Roenstadt habitability factor (Earth = 1): 0.79
Current population: 1.5 million
Number of mining/industrial centers: 9
Year settled: 2318 cet
Figure 3.14.002 – Mammon View From Space